11g Background Processes

11g Background Processes

New background processes in 11g. As per Oracle documentation there are 56 new background processes added in 11g release 1

Some Important background Process

MMAN - this process is responsible for ASMM in 10g and AMM in 11g  which manages memory allocation to SGA and PGA

RCBG - this background process is responsible for processing data into server result cache

DIAG - In 11g we have a single location for all the trace files, alert log and other diagnostic files. DIAG is the process which performs  diagnostic dumps and executes oradebug commands

DIA0 – responsible for hang detection and deadlock resoultion

DBRM – Database resource manager is responsible for setting plans to users and all other database resource management activities

EMNC – Event Monitor Coordinator will coordinate with event management and notification activity

FBDA – Flashback Data Archiver process is responsible for all flashback related actions in 11g database

GEN0 - General task execution process which performs required tasks

SMCo – Space management coordinator executes various space management tasks like space reclaiming, allocation etc. It uses slave processes Wnnn whenever required

VKTM – Virtual keeper of time is  responsible for keeping track of the wall-clock time and used as a reference-time counter

Change priority of concurrent request in R12

Change priority of concurrent request in R12

Select "View Details". Change the Priority from default "50". Change it to "10" for high priority. [1 for highest and 99 for lowest].

How to change Priority of concurrent request in User level?

Change the value of profile option "Concurrent Request Priority" in User level to make him or her a high or low priority user.

Alternatively you can change the priority of a "Concurrent Request" in define concurrent request screen.