Could not get vmci driver version: The handle is invalid.

Could not get vmci driver version: The handle is invalid.

While starting VMWARE encountered below error :-

Could not get vmci driver version: The handle is invalid.
You have an incorrect version of driver "vmci.sys". Try reinstalling VMware Workstation.
Module DevicePowerOn power on failed.


Search for in the base folder of installed VMWARE machine.

If you have installed VNWARE in drive C and its machine e.g PROD1 in location E:\PROD1 then you need to go to PROD1 folder NOT on base VMWARE installed location.

Search for file named with extension .vmx
eg. PROD1.vmx
Open it with notepad

CHANGE below mentioned value
vmci0.present = "TRUE"
vmci0.present = "FALSE"

Save and try to starting your machine.

ircntf.wft fails with: ITEM_TYPE ‘WFSTD’ is protected …

ircntf.wft fails with: ITEM_TYPE ‘WFSTD’ is protected …

Error message:
FAILED: file ircntf.wft on worker 1.

Access level: 20, Mode: UPGRADE
ITEM_TYPE ‘WFSTD’ is protected, no changes were saved.
ITEM_ATTRIBUTE ‘WFSTD/EVENTNAME’ is customized, no changes were saved.
ITEM_ATTRIBUTE ‘WFSTD/N’ is protected, no changes were saved.

1. Run WFLOAD with FORCE option as the applmgr user:
$FND_TOP/bin/WFLOAD apps/<apps pwd> 0 Y FORCE $IRC_TOP/patch/115/import/US/ircntf.wft
2. Use adctrl hidden option #8, to skip the failed job.

IRCNTF.WFT Fails During R12.1.1 Upgrade (Doc ID 1329530.1).
Oracle Support advice is to skip this error and complete the upgrade. This error should not impact any iRecruitment functionality apart from Generic Notifications in iRecruitment which is introduced in 12.1. Furthermore they suggest to apply Patch 9371492: IRCNTF.WFT FAILS DURING R12.1.1 UPGRADE. This isn’t possible during deployment of patch 6678700, so I run WFLOAD with the FORCE optio