Unable to build database context file, using adbldxml.pl

Unable to build database context file, using adbldxml.pl
11gR2 Database with EBS R12 Perl lib version doesn't match executable version

Rapid Clone Error : 11gR2 Database : Perl lib Version (v5.8.5) Doesn't Match Executable Version (v5.10.0)
While dbTechStack

RC-00110: Fatal: Error occurred while relinking of ApplyDBTechStack

Perl lib version (v5.8.4) doesn't match executable version (v5.10.0)
( Or )
Perl lib version (v5.8.8) doesn't match executable version (v5.10.0) at /usr/lib64/perl5/5.8.8/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/Config.pm line 46.
Compilation failed in require at /d02/oracle/uatdb/ line 35.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /d02/oracle/uatdb/ line 35.

Solution :

Setting the PERL5LIB environment variable on the Database tier

By default, the PERL5LIB environment variable is set to the following on the Database tier:


But for an instance with 11gR2 Database, the perl version on the database tier is '5.10.0'. So the variable 'PERL5LIB' on the 11gR2 database tier needs to be set as follows:

export PERL5LIB=<ORACLE_HOME>/perl/lib/5.10.0:<ORACLE_HOME>/perl/site_perl/5.10.0:<ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/perl

For Ex:

export PERL5LIB=/perl/lib/5.10.0:/perl/site_perl/5.10.0:/appsutil/perl

Second Solution

Please check the outputs below:-

#echo `which perl`

#`which perl` -v

export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/oas_home/10.1.3
export PERL5LIB=$ORACLE_HOME/perl/lib/5.8.3:$ORACLE_HOME/perl/lib/site_perl/5.8.3:
export PERL5LIB=$PERL5LIB:$ORACLE_HOME/perl/lib/site_perl/5.8.3/i686-linux-thread-multi:$PERL5LIB
export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin:$PATH

Change Oracle logo in Forms R12 Instances

Change Oracle logo in Forms R12 Instances

Replace logo in frmall.jar. Then reload it

cp $ORACLE_HOME/forms/java/frmall.jar $ORACLE_HOME/forms/java/frmall.jar_bkp
cp $ORACLE_HOME/forms/java/frmall.jar /tmp
cd /tmp
jar -xvf frmall.jar
rm -rf META-INF/

> Logo size should be (125X30) pixels
Rename new logo to oracle_logo_light.gif
Copy New logo to /tmp folder
e.g. oracle/forms/icons/oracle_logo_light.gif
jar -cvf frmall.jar *
cp frmall.jar $ORACLE_HOME/forms/java/frmall.jar
Through ADADMIN regenerate jar files, use the FORCE option
(selection option 1, regenerate Product JAR file
Do you wish to force regeneration of all jar files? [No] ? Yes

ORAchk to check databases (single and RAC)

ORAchk to check databases (single and RAC)
Oracle ORAchk utility will replace RACchk utility and allow you to check also single instance databases. You can also send notification emails throught it. And schedule automatic check via cron jobs.

Here is quick guide to install and use ORAchk utility:

1. Download from My Oracle Support (you'll need MOS account for this):
Doc ID 1268927.2

2.  Install as oracle user in host you want to check:

      - unzip orachk.zip

3. Set notifications Email and automatic cron checks:
      - ./orachk -set "AUTORUN_SCHEDULE=3 1 * *; NOTIFICATION_EMAIL=<your_email_address>"

NOTE! Outlook (+ virus scanner) may not work proberly with these notification emails. So you might need some testing to get this work with it.
cron parameters in this set are (left to right):  hour (0 - 23), day of month (1 - 31), month (1 - 12), day of week (0 - 6) (0 to 6 are Sunday to Saturday)

4. Check settings:
./orachk -get all

5. Start daemon:
./orachk -d start

NOTE! with RAC this ask's root pwd for audit checks

6.  Stop daemon:
./orachk -d stop

7. To see all parameters:
./orachk -help

NOTE! you can also set auto restart. So script will be started automatically on node restarts.

Create Custom Application in R12

Step By Step Guide to Creating a Custom Application in R12 :

This note describes the basic steps needed to setup a Custom Top within Oracle Applications R12.
Creating a Custom Top in Applications R12:
Custom Tops are required if you are creating new forms, reports, workflows, OAF pages etc. This allows you to segregate your custom written files from the standard seeded functionality that Oracle Applications provide. Customizations can therefore be preserved when applying patches or upgrades to your environment.
Steps to be followed:

1) Make the directory structure for Custom Pages Top.
cd classes
mkdir classes/xx_hr
mkdir classes/xx_ums
mkdir classes/xx_ums/oracle/apps/
mkdir classes/ xx_ums/oracle/apps/

2) Make the directory structure for Custom Forms and Reports Custom top.
mkdir appl/xx_hr
mkdir appl/xx_ums 

3) Add the custom module into the environment
Apply ADX.E.1 and add the entry to topfile.txt as a standard product top entry (follow the existing model in the file) Customised environment variables can be added to AutoConfig by using the filename specificed by s_custom_file, which is then called from the APPSORA.env file. If using Forms Listener Servlet, you may also need to add $CUSTOM_TOP to formsservlet.ini in $APACHE_TOP/Jserv/etc

4) Create new tablespace for database objects
create tablespace xx_ums datafile '/emea/oracle/visuk09/visuk09data/xx_ums .dbf' size 10M default storage(initial 10k next 10k) 

5) Create schema
create user xx_ums identified by xx_ums
default tablespace xx_ums
temporary tablespace temp
quota unlimited on xx_ums
quota unlimited on temp;
grant connect, resource to xx_ums;

6) Register your Oracle Schema.
Login to Applications with System Administrator responsibility Navigate to Application-->Register
Application = xx_ums Custom
Short Name = xx_ums
Basepath = xx_ums_TOP
Description = xx_ums Custom Application

7) Register Oracle User
Navigate to Security-->Oracle-->Register
Database User Name = xx_ums
Password = xx_ums
Privilege = Enabled
Install Group = 0
Description = xx_ums Custom Application User

8) Add Application to a Data Group
Navigate to Security-->Oracle-->DataGroup
Data Group = xx_ums Group
Description = xx_ums Custom Data Group
Click on "Copy Applications from" and pick Standard data Group, then add the following entry.
Application = xx_ums Custom
Oracle ID = APPS
Description = xx_ums Custom Application

9) Create custom request group
This will act as a placeholder for any custom reports we wish to make available for the Custom Responsibility (which is defined at a later stage)Navigate to Security-->responsibility-->Request
Group= xx_ums Request Group
Application = xx_ums Custom
Code= xx_ums
Description = xx_ums Custom Requests
We will not define any requests to add to the group at this stage, but you can add some now if required.

10) Create custom menu
This will act as a placeholder for any menu items we wish to make available for the Custom Responsibility (which is defined at a later stage) We will create two menus, one for Core Applications and one for Self Service. Navigate to Application-->Menu Menu= xx_ums_CUSTOM_MENU
User Menu Name = xx_ums Custom Application
Menu Type =
Description= xx_ums Custom Application Menu
Seq= 100
Prompt= View Requests
Function = View All Concurrent Requests
Description = View Requests

Seq= 110
Prompt= Run Requests
Function= Requests: Submit
Description = Submit Requests

User Menu Name = xx_ums Custom Application SSWA
Menu Type=
Description = xx_ums Custom Application Menu for SSWA

11) Create new responsibility.
One for Core Applications and One for Self Service (SSWA) Navigate to Security-->Responsibility-->Define
Responsibility Name= xx_ums Custom
Application= xx_ums Custom
Responsibility Key = xx_ums CUSTOM
Description= xx_ums Custom Responsibility
Available From= Oracle Applications
Data Group Name= xx_ums Group
Data Group Application = xx_ums Custom
Menu= xx_ums Custom Application
Request Group Name= xx_ums Request Group

Responsibility Name= xx_ums Custom SSWA
Application= xx_ums Custom
Responsibility Key = xx_ums CUSTOMSSWA
Description = xx_ums Custom Responsibility SSWA
Available From= Oracle Self Service Web Applications
Data Group Name= xx_ums Group
Data Group Application = xx_ums Custom
Menu= xx_ums Custom Application SSWA
Request Group Name= xx_ums Request Group

12) Add responsibility to user
Navigate to Security-->User-->DefineAdd xx_ums Custom responsibility to users as required.

13) Other considerations
You are now ready to create your database Objects, custom Reports, Forms, Packages, etc Create the source code files in the xx_ums _TOP directory appropriate for the type of object. For example forms would be located in
$xx_ums_TOP/forms/US or package source code in
$xx_ums_TOP/admin/sql for example. Database Objects, such as tables, indexes and sequences should be created in the xx_ums schema, then you need to

a) Grant all privilege from each custom data object to the APPS schema.
For example: logged in as xx_ums user
grant all privileges on myTable to apps;b) Create a synonym in APPS for each custom data object
For example: logged in as APPS user
Create synonym myTable for xx_ums.myTable; Other database objects, such as views and packages should be created directly in the APPS schema.

EBS 11i and R12 configuration and environment file locations

EBS 11i and R12 configuration and environment file locations


Oracle Apps 11i
Oracle Apps R12
Environment Source file
Context File (Middle tier)
tnsnames.ora (OH)
$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/<$CONTEXT_NAME >
$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/<$CONTEXT_NAME >
tnsnames.ora (Apache)
SSL Certificates
AD scripts logs
Concurrent Request logs
Workflow mailer log
Apache logs
Jserv logs
A. Startup/Shutdown Log files for Application Tier in R12
Instance Top is new TOP added in R12
–Startup/Shutdown error message text files like adapcctl.txt, adcmctl.txt…
–Startup/Shutdown error message related to tech stack (10.1.2, 10.1.3 forms/reports/web)
$INST_TOP/logs/ora/ (10.1.2 & 10.1.3)
$INST_TOP/logs/ora/10.1.3/opmn/ (OC4J~…, oa*, opmn.log)
$INST_TOP/logs/ora/10.1.2/network/ (listener log)
$INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/logs/appl/conc/log (CM log files)

B. Log files related to cloning in R12
Preclone log files in source instance
Database Tier – $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/(StageDBTier_MMDDHHMM.log)
Application Tier –
Clone log files in target instance
Database Tier – $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/ApplyDBTier_.log
Apps Tier – $INST_TOP/admin/log/ApplyAppsTier_.log
If your clone on DB Tier fails while running txkConfigDBOcm.pl (Check metalink note – 415020.1)
During clone step on DB Tier it prompts for “Target System base directory for source homes”
and during this you have to give like /base_install_dir like ../../r12
and not oracle home like ../../r12/db/tech_st_10.2.0

C. Patching related log files in R12
i) Application Tier adpatch log – $APPL_TOP/admin/$SID/log/
ii) Developer (Developer/Forms & Reports 10.1.2) Patch – $ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage
iii) Web Server (Apache) patch – $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage
iv) Database Tier opatch log – $ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage

D. Autoconfig related log files in R12
i) Database Tier Autoconfig log :
ii) Application Tier Autoconfig log : $INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/admin/log/$MMDDHHMM/adconfig.log

Autoconfig context file location in R12 – $INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/appl/admin/$CONTEXT_NAME.xml

E. R12 Installation Logs

Database Tier Installation

Application Tier Installation

Inventory Registration:
$Global Inventory/logs/cloneActions.log
$Global Inventory/logs/oraInstall.log
$Global Inventory/logs/silentInstall.log
F. Other log files in R12

1) Database Tier
1.1) Relink Log files :
1.2) Alert Log Files :
1.3) Network Logs :
1.4) OUI Logs :
OUI Inventory Logs :

2) Application Tier
Tech Stack Patch 10.1.3 (Web/HTTP Server)



File name of trace file

select rtrim(c.value,'/')|| '/'||d.instance_name|| '_ora_'|| ltrim(to_char(a.spid))||'.trc' from v$process a, v$session b, v$parameter c, v$instance d where a.addr=b.paddr and b.audsid=sys_context('userenv','sessionid') and   c.name='user_dump_dest';

To set tracing on before running session
TIMED_STATISTICS is set to TRUE to get timing information in our trace files. 
SQL> alter session set timed_statistics=true;

MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE – Controls the maximum size of the trace file.
SQL> alter session set max_dump_file_size = unlimited;

Enable tracing for specific user session
SQL> alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 12';
Execute SQLs or PL/SQLs to trace the session.

Stop tracing :-
SQL> alter session set events '10046 trace name context OFF';
For extended trace for another session.


To stop extended trace for another session.
The SID and SERIAL# can be fetched from V$SESSION.
Default trace file location - udump directory.

To convert trace file (.trc) tkprof (.txt)
Go to the trace file location

SQL> alter session set timed_statistics=true;
SQL> alter session set sql_trace=true;

Eg. $  tkprof PROD_dbrm_22096.trc
TKPROF <trace filename>

Eg. PROD_dbrm_22096.txt

tkprof <filename.trc> <output_filename> sys=no explain=apps/<password>
example: tkprof file1234.trc file1234.out explain=<apps/apps>

Enabling SSL or TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12

Enabling SSL or TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12

>> Backup context file

cd /U01/appl/PREP/inst/apps/PREP_weberp/appl/admin
cp PREP_weberp.xml PREP_weberp_15FEB15.xml

Step 1 - Set Your Environment
1. Logon to the application middle tier as the OS user who owns the middle tier files.
2. Source your middle tier environment file (APPS<sid_machine>.env) located in the APPL_TOP directory.
3. Navigate to the $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3 and source the <sid_machine>.env file to set your 10.1.3
ORACLE_HOME variables.

[root@weberp ~]# su - appl
[appl@weberp ~]$ cd $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3
[appl@weberp 10.1.3]$ pwd
[appl@weberp 10.1.3]$ ls
Apache       config    j2ee       network  PREP_weberp.env
cfgtoollogs  deconfig  javacache  opmn

Take backup of certs folder

Step 2 - Create a wallet
1. Navigate to the $INST_TOP/certs/Apache directory.
2. Move the existing wallet files to a backup directory in case you wish to use them again in the future.
3. Open the Wallet manager as a background process:
owm &
4. On the Oracle Wallet Manager Menu navigate to Wallet -> New.
Answer NO to: “Your default wallet directory doesn't exist. Do you wish to create it now?”
The new wallet screen will now prompt you to enter a password for your wallet.
Click YES when prompted:
“A new empty wallet has been created. Do you wish to create a certificate request at this time?”


eg. test123

Step 3 - Create a Certificate Request
After clicking "Yes" in step 2 the Create Certificate Request Screen will pop up:
Fill in the appropriate values where:
Common Name: is the name of your server including the domain.
Organizational Unit: (optional) The unit within your organization.
Organization: is the name of your organization.
Locality/City: is your locality or city.
State/Province: is the full name of your State or Province - do not abbreviate.
Select your Country from the drop down list, and for the Key Size, select 2048 as a minimum. Click OK.
Step 4 - Submit the Certificate Request to a Certifying Authority
You will need to export the Certificate Request before you can submit it to a Certifying Authority.
1.    Click on Certificate [Requested] to Highlight it.
2.    From the menu click Operations -> Export Certificate Request
3.    Save the file as server.csr
4.    From the menu click Wallet and then click Save.
5.    On the Select Directory screen change the Directory to your fully qualified wallet directory.
6.    Click OK.
7.    From the menu click Wallet and check the Auto Login box.
Be sure to make this password something you will remember. You will need to use the password whenever you open the wallet with Oracle Wallet Manager or perform operations on the wallet using the Command Line Interface. With a uto login enabled processes submitted by the OS user who created the wallet will not need to supply the password to access the wallet.
8.    Exit the Wallet Manager.
The wallet directory will now contain the following files:
•    cwallet.sso
•    ewallet.p12
•    server.csr
You may now submit server.csr to your Certifying Authority to request a Server Certificate.

Change path to save file

From the menu click Wallet and check the Auto Login box.

b64InternetCertificate.txt file location

Applications Technology : R12 User Guides

Applications Technology : R12 User Guides

Lifecycle Management

Maintaining Oracle E-Business Suite Documentation Set

System Administration

Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide Documentation Set

Architecture and Common Applications


UserInterface, Development, and Personalization




Reporting and Desktop Integration